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Board of Directors

2025 Senior Officers

Gerald Mire Headshot24


Gerald Mire
Hyman Bartolo Contractors

Marcus Campo HEadshot24


Marcus Campo
Nola Build Contracting Services, LLC



Bruce Layburn
JBL Properties



Anthony Quillen
Quillen Construction Group

Shivers Headshot24

Immediate Past President

Shivers Nellon
Chase Remodeling & Construction, Inc.

HBAGNO Committees

Budget & Finance Committee

  • Reviews, recommends, and monitors budget performance throughout the year.

Executive Committee

  • A representative group of leadership charged with guiding staff on the execution of day-to-day operations. 

Golf Tournament Committee

  • Helps plan and execute the Golf Tournament. Planning includes site selection, sponsor & team recruitment, working the event day of, and any other tasks that arise.

Legislative Committee

  • Monitors local and state legislative actions and coordinates with the HBAPAC for lobbying efforts on behalf of membership.

Membership Committee

  • Membership is the lifeblood of any association. This critical committee focuses on membership recruitment and retention.

Parade of Homes Committee

  • Parade of Homes is the official showcase of the latest in-home design in the Greater New Orleans area. The Parade is presented by the HBA of Greater New Orleans. 
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