About Us
To be the voice of the residential housing industry in Greater New Orleans;
- Enhancing the climate and protecting the business interests of the membership;
- Promoting quality affordable housing;
- Educating members and the public as to industry business and association goals;
- Promoting ethical and professional standards for the industry;
- Encouraging responsible citizenry through active community involvement.
Our members commit to a Code of Ethics, to learn more, click here.
The Home Builders Association of Greater New Orleans staff and members lobby and monitor local, state, and federal legislation to ensure that our members' business interests are well-represented and protected. We are proud of our legislative and regulatory efforts and accomplishments on behalf of the membership and residential construction industry.
The HBAGNO formed a (Property) Insurance Task Force (ITF) in 2022 to address rising premiums on wind/hail and HO policies. Louisiana passed the most resilient building codes under the IRC2021 standards in 2022. On January 17, 2023, the HBAGNO Board passed a resolution supporting solutions to ensure these new codes are implemented in accordance with law, particularly as they apply to reroofing.

Dan Mills

Nancy Kirkeby
Director of Accounting

Ashlyn Hemingway Charbonnet
Director of Membership & Industry Relations

Kelly Katner
Assistant Marketing Director II